Monday, February 20, 2023

On the threshold of loneliness

The most deafening sound is the one that is born from silence, from that silence that only allows your heartbeat to inhabit your ears. Like that man who wanders in the gloomy corridors of a house inhabited by nothingness and emptiness, without light, without echoes, only the glow of some ghostly flash created by a spark that has managed to slip through.


A man who, upon arriving at his bed, finds in the darkness someone sitting in the old chair behind him, with only his rancid right hand visible, marked by the years and inviting him to come closer, remaining motionless, but in turn, with that involuntary impulse that escapes reason, thus beginning his brief but throbbing walk towards the unknown, feeling how the cold shelters him at every step, until, when he finds himself in front of that being scratched by time, able to from freezing his gaze, he plunges into the depths of his eyes, finding the abyss that lay in him, a man who only reflects what he has hidden from himself, what he has omitted when wanting to escape from loneliness.


Thinking and being in solitude


The human mind has become one of the loneliest and gloomiest labyrinths in which an individual can travel, being a space overwhelmed by a noisy silence, a storm of thoughts, and where its protagonist is often found in the mist of the opinions of third parties, leaving only that instinct to wave their hands in search of that company that guides them to the longed-for exit, but that, by chance of the unexplored, has not yet knocked on the doorknob of our taciturn Being, then, staying in a maze is not a matter of strength or resistance, but of will.


Being for the minority of those who do not walk the paths and days in an inert way, it is an act of great daring to desire detachment from what one is, and go for what one can do, since it is easier to shake the “wings” in the sense of the famished multitude of dreams, that run towards the mountain of discovery.


Friedrich Nietzsche already said it in his book "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" that "I have found more danger among men than among animals, dangerous are the paths that Zarathustra travels. May my animals guide me!", making it clear that the worst adviser -many times- for man has been man himself, that is, the noise of those who shout sterile verbal conjugations, with the sole purpose of feeling judges among the condemned, leads to a sinister task, which is to assassinate ideas, without any shame, as inquisitors of thought, dressed in puritanical intentions and crimson mallets, being in truth, a tumult of incapable people who cannot think for themselves.


But why this? An uncomfortable question for routine ears, because the human being within his tiring life, full of conditions, beliefs and dogmas, is caged, with an indivisible possibility of escape for those who still fear retirement, being reduced only to power. of the will, a will that goes undoing the invisible threads of a social moral adjusted to the benefits of the jailer, and go, irremediably to the arms of the misunderstood solitude; for Nietzsche himself tells us that "a man's worth is measured by the amount of loneliness that he can bear."


For this reason, introspective exploration or self-discovery almost inevitably requires a period of solitude on the part of the individual in which his values, convictions and education can be adequately digested, evaluated and transformed; In other words, the preliminary thesis is that being apart gives the individual enough space and time to reflect through mental clarity and emotional sobriety, which he lacked in the social core. Thus, the consideration that solitude is not an arid, stormy and tempting paradise is clearly presented, but rather as a state of happiness and tranquility in harmony with nature; And in case hopelessness invades our mind, keep in mind that premise of Miguel de Unamuno, which reads "never despair even when you are in the dark afflictions, because clean and fertile water falls from the black clouds."


Now, if it is true that modern psychology shows that it is extremely important to have a pleasant social circle to achieve well-being, it is also convenient for you to ask yourself in what aspects solitude is favorable for me, Albert Camus said in one of his frequent epiphanies of loneliness that "in the depths of winter I felt that there was an invincible summer in me", then, that would be the secret for a novelist, philosopher and playwright apparently destined to seek solace from his internal emptiness, and who, through writing, managed to describe the optimism of what was believed to be non-existent.


Loneliness is the recipe for a brilliant madness that unleashes imagination, innovation, productivity, intimacy and spirituality, because his clairvoyance can be somewhat incomprehensible at first, but the value of being alone with our own conscience is imponderable, we normally perceive the typical figure of the misunderstood genius as an outstanding individual in intellectual terms who is deficient in emotional matters, so much so that there are many times when this stereotype is fulfilled in important figures of the humanities and universal sciences, being able to cite Arthur Schopenhauer, Issac Newton, Charles Darwin and Charles Dickens, who reaped sweet fruits from solitude, despite considering moments of suffering at some stages. At the same time, there are certain geniuses who, even if they find themselves physically isolated, do not qualify their solitude as something harmful, but rather as the best opportunity to develop as individuals, since they understand that they are not isolated, rather they communicate in a different way, they read They listen, debate, meditate, reflect, create and dream. There is a repertoire of thinkers who have woven a network of knowledge so expensive that it becomes incomprehensible to others, to those who are oblivious to the art of introspection, and it is not the simple fact that solitude has the power to make you resilient, ingenious, proactive, effective, conscious, wise, strong, it is that when one knows how to appreciate the greatness that solitude conceals, one is conditioned to be pleased with it, to the point that the company is much less in demand. Friedrich Nietzsche was forceful in saying "my loneliness is not determined by the presence or absence of people, quite the contrary, I hate those who engulf my loneliness if they do so they must at least make sure that their company is worth it".


After this, we can realize that being alone is not the same as feeling lonely, one can feel lonely even when surrounded by people, the statement "my loneliness is not determined by the presence or absence of people" describes it perfectly , one does not have to feel loneliness being alone or feel company when being accompanied, loneliness manifests itself when the quality of our social relationships is not comforting enough, in this way rejecting accompaniment will lead us to a totally different type of connection, It would be a calm, mystical, and pleasant link that is based on meditation, abstraction, metaphysical cataclysm, considering that this feeling that you are nothing and that no one cares about you disappears, because by setting a purpose you begin to design a plan to materialize it, you take repeated action, you enjoy the journey, you value the world, your feelings of participation, usefulness and belonging remain complete. fully restored, the introspective transcendence takes shape, since the desire to be with others has been eclipsed by another desire of greater strength, you manage to advance with firm steps towards your human potential, or as Arthur Schopenhauer would say "Loneliness is the luck of all excellent spirits.”


Certainly, confinement puts a soft but deadly blindfold on us, since it disguises the good as bad, the abstract as concrete, the convenient as lurid; making uncertainty more common than desired, but which, in turn, gives us an ideal circumstance to discover ourselves and grow internally, since what we are currently experiencing -despite how rough it seems to be- is a golden opportunity It is not for nothing that Schopenhauer reminds us when he says that “tomorrow, like today, will be another day that also comes only once. We forget that every day is an irreplaceable part of life", therefore you do not have to wait for anyone or anything to realize that the opportunity is not in others but is in you, knowing this, seek more and more balance Aristotelian, take care of building quality relationships, these are essential to maximize the aptitude the period in solitude; meanwhile make good use of the only jewel worth being greedy with, time, enjoy yourself, and remember that "solitude is sometimes the best company, and a short retreat brings a sweet return." (John Milton).


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