Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Gottlob Frege: Notes on Sense and Reference

 It is important to know that Gottlob Frege was -initially- a mathematician. he thought that ordinary (natural) language was not ideal for expounding mathematical reasoning. So, in the search for an ideal language to perfectly express the structure of mathematical reasoning, he led to a semantic analysis of linguistic expressions, in such a way that he raised philosophical issues about language. Can we express the truth without linguistic ambiguities? You are right. However, this then required the development of what he called 'ideography', a logically perfect language not only for mathematics, but also for the sciences in ge


Luckily, he ended up founding the necessary principles to do what we understand today as Philosophy of Language. Since it is language that places man above the rest of beings and gives him dominion over them, it constitutes, due to its nobility, a topic that deserves to be investigated.


Indeed, it is good to know that Frege makes use of three fundamental terms such as: sign, sense and reference. Here is the novelty in his work Sinn und Bedeutung [Sense and Reference], a work that we are studying at the moment.


Before Frege, such a problem had perhaps not been considered in linguistic expressions. An expression in which the predicate is related to the subject or object can be considered valid, so we could assign a truth value (T or, F). In Frege, this is not enough, for a sentence to be assigned a truth value judgment it must necessarily have a reference (real object).


There is an example that the author uses to explain this, the phrase: "The will of the people" is an expression that makes sense, but lacks a reference (extra-mental object) so it cannot be assigned a truth value, far from it. I can submit it to a scientific type of analysis.


A sentence must be understood -according to Frege- as an articulated whole that provides the necessary elements for a reasonable explanation of how to say something true or false through it.


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